Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hungry Games #10--Changes! this post is long over due!  Life has been crazy & busy....which leaves little time for this space.  I currently am writing after a crazy busy Saturday!  Recital was tonight and then a fun night at Rick's work for some bounce fun!

This my beautiful Charity!

Anyway.....on with the weight issues....for me!
So my last weigh in I gained 5...yikes.  it was an evening weigh in...which I never do.  I had ate all day...not a lot...but I'm adding that to my list of excuses for the weight increase!  I missed this past weigh in because of this:

Field trip to Mackinac with Charity.  Boy was that super exhausting....not a vacation at all!  I kid you not I walked 10,000 miles and I would walk 10,000 more just to be the....oops off track. legs....still sore!

So the changes that I made since that weigh in of the +5 are--I am no longer going to continue with Weight Watchers and instead I'm going to use MyFitnessPal app!  Disclaimer***while I still truly believe in does's just not working for me right now.  I have found calculating points is way more time consuming than me just counting calories.  Also my last weigh in with WW will be June I will be comparing that to what I'm tracking with the app & home scale.

My results since I've started using MyFitnessPal.....I weighed in at the 1 week mark AND I'm down 6 pounds!  I still have such a long way to go....but it's still progress to me.

On the very bright side for me.....I posted the below pic:

And a sweet friend said she could tell in my face that I've lost some weight!  Well that just always gives me the little nudge I need to continue on!  Encouragement is such a wonderful thing!

Weighing in late....

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Well, I think your earlobes have never looked better! J/ look great, keep up the good work!