Thursday, January 10, 2013


Last year I did a resolutions post

you can find it

But life lately consists of mostly this:


Four little ones whom I love greatly.
Plus a full time job outside the home.
To say the least that leaves little time for anything else.....especially the stuff I need to do around the house.
Let alone the things I enjoy.....which would be me locked away with some yarn, a crochet hook and some PEPSI :)  But I'm not willing to sacrifice the time away from the kiddos to just sit and crochet.

I look at life right now as a "season".  And this just happens to be the season I'm in.  One in which I work a 40+ hour week while juggling life with my husband and 4 babes.  Its crazy at times.....but again it is only the season I'm in.  All to soon will my little ones will be I'm trying to sit back and enjoy every minute of it.

I say all that to resolutions for me this year....I will continue to try and change and grow and improve myself.....always!

If you've made any resolutions I'd love to hear about them. 



CaseyWiegand said...

what a gorgeous family you have!!!!!!! I wanted to write you and tell you that for some reason all of my babies have just been BIG! have a beautiful weekend sweet friend!

Bethany@ said...

I found you through Casey and had to comment! I know how you feel Mama! For most of my other life I have worked full time and have been a student. It looks like you are doing a wonderful jon with your little ones despite having to work long hours. They will admore you and be determined just like you because you have set such a good example to strive for life and all that it has for you. :) They are gorgeous by the way. I love finding blogs that are so real and honest like yours. Wishing you some relaxing with your beautiful family soon.

Cathy said...

Thank you so much Miss Casey. I'm so honored that you stopped by! Blessing to you and your beautiful little family!

Cathy said...

Thank you so much Bethany for your sweet encouraging are to
Kind! Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the web...this is still a work in progress. PS your bathroom makeover turned out the flooring!